Development of efficient collection technology for marine debris in difficult locations

Marine debris is not only left on beaches, but also on the ocean, and in seabed.

These marine debris have been left unattended because they are difficult to collect.

We are taking on the challenge of developing realistic collection technologies for marine debris in difficult locations.

Floating marine debris

There are patterns in the way marine debris flows and accumulates.

We are developing more efficient and realistically deployable collection technologies.

Submarine debris

Submarine plastic on the seabed is destroying the seabed ecosystem.

Referring to the activities of fishermen in Japan who collect seabed debris while bottom trawling, we will also develop collection technology to protect the marine environment.

Riverine waste

More than 80% of marine debris is flowed from rivers.

In order to dam the runoff from rivers and prevent it from flowing into the ocean, we are developing collection technologies for rivers.